Krzysztof Jakubowicz has an excellent and comprehensive knowledge and experience in the preparation and conduct of public procurement procedure. He has prepared projects of contract notices, specifications of essential terms of contracts, projects of modifications and replies to the requests of the economic operators to explain the content of the specification of essential terms of the contract. He has also provided legal assistance concerning estimation and tender analysis, the choice of the most attractive tender, exclusion from the contract procedure and rejection of the contracts. He has designed contract results projects and replies to the appeals. On economic operators’ behalf he has prepared tender projects, requests about the content of the specification of essential terms of the contract and legal protection measures.
Krzysztof Jakubowicz has taken part in the proceedings in front of Team of Arbiters and National Chamber of Appeals, representing both economic operators as well as awarding entities. As a part of legal representation he has represented his clients in cases dealing with complaints about decisions of mentioned adjudication panels, heard by district court.
Legal Adviser's Office has been cooperating with a number of entrepreneurs operating in real estate business, building trade and investment supervision. This has provided Krzysztof Jakubowicz with practical skills of leading cases which deal with building and land development law. The cooperation with entrepreneurs from building sector allowed him to gain practical knowledge of preparation and supervision at the process of contracts formulation entered into during an investment process.
Krzysztof Jakubowicz has an extensive court experience including judicial-administrative proceedings. He also has practical skills related to extra-judicial dispute decisions (mediations, negotiations, settlements, vindications). He has represented clients in commercial relations, prepared expert and legal opinions. He was also engaged in comprehensive project management.
Legal Adviser's Office also has experience in conducting legal audits of commercial law companies (due diligence), during which our Office established, indicated and estimated areas of risk disclosed after detailed analysis of legal situation of the companies.
Krzysztof Jakubowicz has evaluated legal issues related to employment of staff. It concerned matters arising out of individual and collective labour law, and which matters were both connected to the generally applicable rules as well as company regulations.
Legal Adviser's Office has a significant practice related to supporting employers in their relations with the unions. This support includes the negotiation, drafting correspondence, and developing strategies.
As a part of our legal service, our office has cooperated with departments of workers of various business entities. For optimum efficiency our cooperation is based not only on providing customers with legal opinions, but also on direct telephone and email counselling in our everyday work.